I love to fiddle around with a lot of different artistic ventures so I decided that I would blog about my different projects that I have and will do. I hope that everyone will enjoy seeing some of the fun things that I have worked on.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God Bless America

With all the media focusing on Presidential candidates and their campaigns I have been reflecting a lot on our country and what it stands for, and what I stand for and if I am making a difference. I really was in the mood to make sure that everyone around me can see that in our household we believe in a free America . So I decided to do some decorating for this upcoming Memorial Day as well as Independents day. I know that it dose not have a large impact but it will show that I believe in America and am a True Patriot!

I feel so blessed to have been born into a free country were I can choose my religion and my beliefs. God has given us the promised land and inspired the Founding Fathers to write our Constitution and give us a solid foundation. I just wish that we could go back to the basics, and not forget what so many men and woman Sacrificed to make us Free.

So there is my rant!!!!!! Here are the great things I have been up to.

Hand painted Tin Stars

3 Foot Fire Works
(almost finished, real pics to come soon)

2x4 American Flag

Hand painted Stars
( Real Pics to come soon)


  1. I want a full set....Very cute. and I know my freedom was won.

  2. Man...all of this stuff is so cute. I wish we all lived closer so we could do stuff like this together! :-/ Miss you guys!
