I love to fiddle around with a lot of different artistic ventures so I decided that I would blog about my different projects that I have and will do. I hope that everyone will enjoy seeing some of the fun things that I have worked on.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A head start on the Holiday.

I Decided that I would get a head start on the Christmas hustle, There are a lot of fun ideas and crafts out there and had a hard time picking just a few. But I settled on a great idea for my neighbors and friend gifts. Something I love to do each year for the people in my life that keep me sane. I am making these great little jars of home made Hot Coco mix and topped off with the most adorable home made Snowmen Marshmallows, and Tagged with these great little Snowmen tags that I made. I love it and am excited to share it with the people I love.